Salam sehat untuk kita semua.

Berikut disampaikan informasi terkait praktikum susulan.

  1. [Waktu] Praktikum susulan akan dilaksanakan pada hari kamis, 5 Desember  2024 pukul 08:00 – 11:00 WIB. Tidak ada lagi praktikum susulan setelah tanggal tersebut.
  2. [Peserta dan Modul] LFD telah mengevaluasi dan menjawab permohonan izin praktikan yang tidak mengikuti praktikum pada jadwal regulernya. Berikut daftar peserta praktikum susulan dan pembagian modulnya: peserta dan pembagian modul.
  3. [Konfirmasi kehadiran] Praktikan yang tercantum pada butir 2 wajib mengisi konfirmasi kehadiran di sini, paling lambat Selasa, 3 Desember 2024 pukul 15.00 WIB.
  4. [MS Teams] Praktikan yang sudah mengisi konfirmasi kehadiran praktikum, WAJIB bergabung ke grup teams melalui link ini.
  5. [Tugas Pendahuluan] Akan dibagikan pada hari Senin, 2 Desember 2024 melalui grup teams.
  6. [Aturan] Semua aturan praktikum reguler berlaku juga pada praktikum susulan ini, termasuk aturan yang mewajibkan praktikan mengenakan nametag dengan QR-code yang benar.


  1. Jaga diri dan kesehatan baik-baik agar dapat mengikuti Praktikum Susulan ini.
  2. Ini adalah kesempatan terakhir di semester ini, maksimalkan dan manfaatkan sehingga bisa mendapatkan hasil terbaik.


Dear all practical participants, we would like to inform the information on substitute practical session.

  1. [Date and Time] The substitute practical session will be held on Thursday, 5 December 2024 at 08:00 – 11:00 GMT+7. There will be no any additional practical session after the mentioned date and time.
  2. [Participants Eligibility and Modules] The Basic Physics Laboratory ITB has evaluated and reviewed the queries for the abstention in all regular practical sessions for all practical participants that could not attend their previous regular session due to the acceptable reasons. The list of the eligible participants that could participate in the substitute practical session can be checked in this link.
  3. [Attendance Confirmation] The eligible practical participants should confirm their attendance on the substitute practical session in this link no later than Tuesday, 3 Descmber 2024 at 15.00 GMT+7.
  4. [MS Teams] For those eligible practical participants that already confirm their attendance, please do not forget to join the designated MS Teams.
  5. [Preliminary Assignments] will be informed on Monday, 2 December 2024 via the mentioned MS Teams group.
  6. [Rules and Policies] All rules and policies that mandatorily enforced on the regular session are the same as for substitute practical session, this includes the QR scanning of the participants’ nametag to provide their attendance.

– Do not forget to keep yourself healthy by eating nutritious food and avoid heavy activities.
– This is your LAST CHANCE in this semester to obtain all components in the lecture markings, so please use it wisely and have a good luck.

Pengumuman Praktikum Susulan Semester 1 TA 2024/2025